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Until Observed - Sci-fi | Drama WebComic Review

Updated: Nov 20, 2020

Hello, my name is Imani aka MaddMoniArt, I’m the creator of the psychological thriller manga Bleakville, and the founder of MaddIndies, a place where I review and support independent Web Comics.

Today, I'm going to review the new Sci-fi | Drama series created by Shelby Lynn Black, titled, 'Until Observed'

"Can you change the fate of others and, therefore, your destiny? Until Observed is the story of a clairvoyant desperately trying to change the future outcome of a scarring vision she had as a child." - SL Black

I'm going to give you my spoiler-free, first impression, review on the world-building, storytelling, artwork, characters, and my overall feelings as I read through the story.

Storytelling review

Until Observed is a story set in modern time, North America, where a small population of people can perform psychic abilities. The main character, a teenage girl, named Sybil, is a clairvoyant," a person who claims to have a supernatural ability to perceive events in the future or beyond normal sensory contact." - Definitions from Oxford Languages

The story intentionally makes you feel uneasy because the author is purposely trying to confuse us, just as much as our protagonist. You will be trying to figure out...: "What's going on...Where am I?.... Who are these people?" You will be asking the same questions as Sybil. Since this a Sci-fi | Drama, it's really important to feel these emotions. The present-day and flashbacks are well paced-out keeping the story interesting every episode.


Shelby Black's art style is unique with large screen tones, realistic characters. and psychedelic-like coloring. Speaking of color... Each location, scene, and episode is colored in a specific way; an example of visual storytelling done wonderfully.

The color theory behind each episode could represent cool and relax for chill moments, intense and loud like when the characters are in danger, or even vintage as an old photograph for flashbacks.

The character designs look very real. When I saw them it reminded me of Hirohiko Araki’s Jojo's Bizarre Adventures.

Right: Jojo Bizarre Adventures Left: Until Observed

final thoughts

As of writing this review, it's only getting started with a hand full of episodes out, so make sure to subscribe to Until Observed on Webtoons to follow along.

She put a lot of thought into the series to make it a top Sci-fi | Drama. I'm looking forward to keeping up with this series to see where it goes. I want to see what the characters do and how they will use their powers.

Overall, I have read this story multiple times,

and every time,

I read it Until I Observed it.

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