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MURPHY'S LAW - action WebComic showcase + interview

Updated: Nov 20, 2020

Hello, my name is Imani aka MaddMoniArt, I’m the creator of the psychological thriller manga Bleakville, and the founder of MaddIndies, a place where I review and support independent Web Comics


Today, we are showcasing a Teen Drama Action Superhero comic about mutants living inside the streets of New York City. If you’re into Marvel & DC stories and characters, then you have to check out the upcoming indie webcomic called "Murphy's Law" created by Sarah Diamond and Alex Sandoval. I got a chance to interview the creators Sarah and her partner Alex. I appreciate them taking their time to give me an inside look into their work. Along with the interview, I'm going to share my first impression and thoughts on the first 10 episodes.


Kit Dower has always felt at home within the villainous gang, the Faction, that terrorizes the NYC borough of Perdition. When she meets more mutants like her, will she be able to change her ways before she drags everyone she loves into the dangers that lie within her mysterious past?


They captured the tone of the rough streets of New York City.

The artwork is edgy and every panel is detailed. The background has so much color and intricate details like Graffiti on the benches and pigeons eating food off the pavement.

Kit Dower is an unpredictable savage. She's one of the more unusual protagonists that I've come across in webcomics mostly because she's an antihero. Her interactions with the other mutants are interesting and she seems to have something clever to say to them at times.

side note

I went on over the official comic page that they created and read more about the cast of characters. I'll leave it here

The characters are marvelous. I really feel like I'm reading a superhero teen drama. I can't wait to see where the plot will take them and who the villains will be. The story is just getting started with just 10 episodes as of right now and it currently updates every Monday on Webtoon and Tapas. Be sure to follow the series and support the creator. I'll definitely keep following this series!


  1. How long have you been creating comic books?

    1. Both me and my comic partner, Alex, have been working on comics for at least six years with Murphy’s Law being the main project

  2. What inspirations did you have behind this project?

    1. One of the main inspirations was our personal friendships and relationships in our teenage years, as well as our personal experiences as we began working on Murphy’s Law alone. Current political movements also inspired different plot points that will be shown further in the comic. These inspirations tend to display themselves in more symbolic and fantastical ways.

  3. What are the main themes behind the series?

    1. The main themes include self-realization, breaking the cycles of trauma, coming of age, discrimination, and how it affects minorities, and learning to rely on others and your community.

  4. What do you have to say about a certain character from your series?

    1. We wanted to talk about Wreck, since they are one of our favorite characters to write for. You may look at them and think they’re just another queer coded villain, especially since they’re nonbinary and openly gay. But while they are brash and aggressive, as the story goes on, it becomes clear that they are acting out against a society that has hurt them. They exemplify the pain that many queer people carry in their lives, and while they aren’t always rational, they’re someone who we believe many LGBTQ people can relate to.

  5. How do you come up with the characters in your story?

    1. Murphy’s Law actually began as an RP with some of our friends, so this was where the characters originated from, with Kit being made by me and Tamal being made by my partner, Alex. After we wanted to create a comic with the characters, we then really went to town on adjusting their personalities, plot lines, and relationships. With the consent of everyone who was originally involved in the RP, we got to work!

  6. How long are you planning this series to run?

    1. We aren’t really sure! We have a very long thought out plot line with at least four main story arcs, but I believe that at the current rate, the first story arc should be complete within two years.

  7. Any teasers you want to give your readers?

    1. Both the Coven and Faction go back two generations before Cassandra and Wreck became the current leaders. There is a lot of beef between the two of them, and while the two are enemies now, Wreck and Cassandra were actually friends. That is until something changed with Wreck...something that runs through their veins.

  8. Anything else you want your readers to know?

    1. If any of our readers want to chat with us or want plot easter eggs, they can always either comment on our comic pages or message us on our comic accounts!

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