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prodigium - Action WebComic showcase + interview

Updated: Nov 20, 2020

Hello, my name is Imani aka MaddMoniArt, I’m the creator of the psychological thriller manga Bleakville, and the founder of MaddIndies, a place where I review and support independent Web Comics

Today, we are showcasing an action webcomic called Prodigium created by Anastacia Neumann. I manage to read and enjoy the first chapter, I kinda think of it like X-men in highschool. I got a chance to interview the creator. I appreciate her taking the time to give me an inside look into her story. Along with the interview, I'm going to showcase the webcomic and its beautiful artwork.


After several people wake up in the hospital with no memory everything just seems "wrong". The woman with horns? Is the girl getting sucked into a camera? That's normal. But going to high school? Dealing with cafeteria food? Everyone else being giants? That's just crazy!

my thoughts

The comic is a very mysterious teen drama about teenage mutants struggling with a strong case of amnesia. A pair of clever twins named Ariana and Adrian are the main characters. Trying to figure out a bunch of events that happened while also attending high school. Apparently, they were all found in the exact same spot with the same markings. What I think is interesting is that the only witnesses don't remember a thing.

The most notable aspect of the art style is lighting. The characters have shiny eyes, shiny hair, and it makes them pop out from the background. I love the special effects when they use their powers. The body postures and emotions of the characters allow the story to come to life.

I felt like I was a spectator while reading the comic. I will definitely finish reading the next chapter, until then, you make sure to check it out for yourself.


Q. How long have you been creating comic books?

A. I have been creating comics since I was an uncool kid in Jr high with no friends. I'd make-believe friends and draw adventures we'd go on.

Q. What inspirations did you have behind this project?

A. I think my biggest inspirations were Sailor Moon and Xena Warrior Princess, which were huge when I was a kid. I so wanted to be powerful like them.

Q. What are the main themes behind the story?

A. Well, my main theme is to create something I like. Lol. But seriously, a major theme is that doing right often means sacrifice and what are we really willing to sacrifice.

Q. What do you have to say about a certain character in your series?

A. One character that I particularly adore in my series is Keira. She's so colorful and sunny and kind. Just the kind of person people want to be. But her sweet smiles often hide a sadness.

Q. How do you come up with the characters in your story?

A. I'm one of those creators who think the characters made themselves up. I just give them challenges and they surprise me with how they figure things out.

Q. How long are you planning this series to run?

A. Very very long! Lol. Each page takes me a full week to create and it's a long story. I wish I could work faster.

Q. Any teasers you want to give your readers?

A. A teaser? Hmm. A big fight scene is coming up and another superpower! Make sure to check it out!

Q. Anything else you want your readers to know?

A. This is a great superhero webcomic! Beautiful fight scenes, unique powers, a little mystery, and crazy characters you can't help but love! Try it out!

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